Here you can read more about my no particular order.
I am was the proud owner of a 2012 Audi R8 v10 gated manual. The Audi R8 v10 has been my ultimate, end all be all, childhood dream car. While some of the reasons for this may feel obvious, there are a few things that really stand out to me about this car.
First and foremost, it's a gated manual super car. There weren't many "modern" cars that offered this option and Audi/Lamborghini (both under the Volkswagen Group) were the last super cars that offered the manual option up until 2014.
Second, I'm half German and have always been a fan of German engineering. Admittedly, I'm less of a fan of the stereotypes around German car owners (looking at you teenage BMW drivers).
Lastly, especially compared to the sister car which is the Lamborghini Gallardo with the same v10 engine, I really like the more rounded body lines of the R8 vs other super cars.
For many years I've had posters, model cars, and all sorts of Audi R8 trinkets around the house. It's still so surreal to me that I'm fortunate enough to live out some of by biggest childhood dreams.
You know what they say...all good things must come to an end. After 2 years of ownership I sold my dream car. Some of the reasons I decided to move on:
So what's next? For now, I have a 2020 Audi S5 sportback. But something that starts with "P" and ends in "orsche" will be coming soon 🤫.
I am the proud fur father to a wonderful 4 year old Catahoula mix named Jax. He loves to give human-like hugs and play fetch. And of course...he loves to chase squirrels and cats.
Courtesy of Spotify Wrapped (2022).
Some concerts that I have been to before include:
Hobbies can be so vague...I like to think of this section as answers to the question of, "what are some things that you would go out of your way to do in your free time?". But that's not a cool title so I still call these hobbies instead.